Mac MRTG: CPU Load

From TechMentor

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Reporting Load Average

SNMP, on early versions of, OS X did not report CPU utilization so this was developed as one option to get the information. It reports the 1 minute and 5 minute load averages. This script was complemented with another (see below) that reported Total % busy and User % busy.

echo "$UPTIME" | awk '{ a=NF-1; print $a*100; }'
echo "$UPTIME" | awk '{ a=NF; print $a*100; }'
echo "$UPTIME" | awk '{ gsub(/,/, ""); print $3, $4, $5; }'

Reporting Percentage Busy

This seemed like a really silly hack, but turned out to work reasonably well. It runs top to retrieve the values. Using the 3rd sample seemed to be a good compromise in accuracy and performance. It reports total busy (usr + sys) and user busy.

USAGE=`top -l 3 | grep -e "CPU usage" | tail -1`
USR=`echo "$USAGE" | awk '{ gsub(/%/, ""); print $8*100}'`
SYS=`echo "$USAGE" | awk '{ gsub(/%/, ""); print $10*100}'`
echo "$TOTAL" | awk '{print $1/100}'
echo "$USR" | awk '{print $1/100}'
#echo "$USAGE" | awk '{ gsub(/%/, ""); print $12}'
uptime | awk '{ gsub(/,/, ""); print $3, $4, $5; }'

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